Monday, April 29, 2013

Term 2, Week 1

G'day all and welcome back to term 2!

I hope you had an enjoyable break and that you managed to do a couple of fun things! Why don't you log on to your blog and write a short text about how you spent your holidays! Include any photos if you took some!

I'd like you then to think up some questions you could ask someone about their holidays. Once you're sure the grammar is correct, interview one of your classmates. Record the conversation and then upload it to your blog! We'll have to see how the internet is working today to see if we can do this from here! Always a challenge!

That's all for today. If you finish these 2 tasks then I'll direct you to something else!

Happy blogging!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Week 8

G'day all

Hard to believe that this is the last class for term 1. I hope you have good plans for the holidays! I know I have!

Today is a chance for you to catch up on any outstanding work that needs to be done as well as a little bit of fun!

Log on to VOKI and sign up! Choose an avatar and create a little story. Try to use the microphone and record your story! I wasn't too successful with the voice recording only because the name I chose was pronounced incorrectly! Have a play and see what you can create.

When you're happy with your selection, send me a comment to let me know you've posted your creation.

Now, finish off any outstanding work. Not everyone has done the research on the famous Australians on the banknotes!

If you're looking for something else to do then open Issues in English 2 from the menu selection in the Programs and choose a topic to work on!

Have an enjoyable break and try to have a bit of a break in between doing your 'homework'!

Happy blogging!